
Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Affordable Care Act Was Signed Into Law - 1392 Words

Healthcare has been around for many decades. It has always been a problem for many Americans. Whether it be too expensive or individuals do not qualify to be covered under medical insurance. Many Americans have spent years trying to get some type of medical coverage. This can be a frustrating task because it is not easy. In 2010 the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by congress. This law made healthcare affordable and accessible to all Americans. While it is a good attempt at changing previous healthcare rules, many Americans still go uninsured. In this paper I will look at two components the American Nursing Association feel need to be reformed. An area of concern for the ANA is the work place of practicing and future nurses. The†¦show more content†¦The ANA feel by improving patient outcome and job satisfaction it would boost the morale of the nursing environment (Health System Reform Agenda, 2008). The ANA would also like to see more healthcare facilities utilize the Magnet concept. The Magnet program is a program that recognizes healthcare organizations that deliver the best nursing care. They also feel if employers recognized that long work hours and heavy patient load can increase fatigue of the nurse and decrease positive patient outcomes. The ANA support regulation that strive to limit the number of hours a nurse can be forced to work (Health System Reform Agenda, 2008). Another rising issue is the lack of educators in the nursing world. If institutions do not have enough educators to teach incoming nurses how can class sizes increase to fill the current nurse deficit? It all stems from funding. Along with the shortage of educators comes the rising costs of college tuition and students not being able to afford the program. The ANA suggests employers offer scholarship programs and possible paid time off for students attending classes. There is also a nursing shortage in areas that are less desirable to work. The ANA suggests sign on bonu ses and financial help to extend the nurses education to make the less desirable area appear more tempting. I agree with all of the suggestions made by the ANA. When I was in high school and looking at colleges and career

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